Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cupcake Wars

Well, living up to my title, I'm slowing down from a speed of 100 to 50 in a few days.  Tax season is over finally (thank goodness) - even after I tell my regulars that I have a full school schedule with my full time job...six people managed to wait until the last week to bring me their taxes for preparation, what a rush.  This simultaneously ended while planning a bowling fundraiser for my high school son who will be venturing off to Germany this summer with his German class for two weeks.

Hence the happening of the cupcake wars.  As I've mentioned in my last post, I also make decorative cakes along with my sister.  Now let me back up a few months or so...we also did a bowling fundraiser for my same adventurous son for his trip to London, England from an invitation by the Queen to play in the New Year's parade.  Long-story-short...my sister and I made cupcakes of various flavors as a 'thank you' for all those who attended in support of his trip.  So of course, when we decided to do a fundraiser again for his Germany trip, the first question asked by a grand majority of the ones who came the last time, was "will there be cupcakes again?"  So, needlesss to say, how else to show our appreciation but to give thanks with our specialty cupcakes in 9 different flavors. 

The flavors included:
  1. Vanilla Cocoa Bean
  2. Strawberry Cream
  3. Orange Creamsicle
  4. Banana Cocoa
  5. Caramel Espresso
  6. Lemon Burst
  7. Red Velvet Cream Cheese
  8. Chocolate Coconut
  9. Mint Chocolae Chip Fudge

Yes, they were definitely as good as they sound.  Now, the difference is I had to solicit the help of my younger sister, who doesn't really do cakes because my sister who normally does cakes like I do, was taking a final exam.  So, my multi-tasking-super-mom-skills kicked in and I was helping her get the batters in while making 9 various flavored frostings.  After an hour in a half of popping cupcake pans into the double ovens, they were populating faster than I expected.  I paused and then realized we were rapidly approaching 200 cupcakes. Yikes!  I felt like we were on cupcake wars - and realized we would have lost becuase we should have had 1,000 cupcakes by that time.  In actuality we were making good time with just the two of us and the assistance of our two daughters, 10 and 12 yrs old, who manned the dishes and kept cleaning out the bowls and utensils as we switched between 4 mixers all going at the same time.  So we did pretty darn good considering the teams on cupcake wars has 2 bakers and a team of 4 helpers.

You would think there were come cupcakes left over - NOT!  I guess the multiple flavors enticed people to take multiple flavors.  And the bowling fundraiser was a success!  Now I need to recharge my mom-o-meter, for this past weekend (which blended with last weekend's tax preparation) has drained me.

Me at Work!


  1. Wow! Germany! have you been there before? That's awesome that you get to go! It will be a great experience! Hope you have a great time and raise enough money to help financially!

  2. I know I responded to your comment, but now I don't see it. But, again, thank you so much for responding to my blog. No, I've never left the country, but my son is the one doing all the traveling. I am very proud of him and his accomplishments and adventures. Good news, we reached our goal!
