Saturday, May 5, 2012

 It’s a bird!... It’s a plane!... 


            Hello my fast lane followers!  Well, there was a collision on my highway where my job, school, family, zumba, car pooling, house chores and sanity crashed with my breaking point – Interstate Migraine.  I get headaches quite often which I’m pretty sure stems from working hard, over booking my schedule and trying to make 2 days out of 24 hours.  But, every blue moon, which has not happened since 2008, I get the migraine of all migraines that takes me out of commission for 3 days or more with no room to raise my head above water.  Everything comes to a halt whether I like it or not.  Trust me, I did not like it!

             The irony is, it just flared up out of nowhere while in the middle of typing my mid-term paper that was due in four days.  That’s a sign of trouble…no warning! Really! A sista can’t get a heads up (operative word being head here).  I took the 'something' I have been harboring at home for these type of stormy days immediately [PINKY SWARE SECRET ZONE – I took some Darvocet that has been taken off the market (SHH! Don’t tell anyone I still have some).  You know the saying of "don’t fix what isn’t broken?" Well, I don’t throw away things that still work].  Needless to say, my trusty stash had no impact on this attack.  I even took some of my husband’s extra strength vicodin, and an Imitrex shot.  For those of you who may be familiar with Imitrex – I call it the fire shot because it burns like #$%&^$ when it travels through to your head.

          Long story short and not to bore you with my turmoil that finally ended on Thursday….okay,  okay I’ll just tell you this one story about Thursday, my break-out-from-the-migraine-bondage day.  So, short-story-turned-long…after giving myself shots at home, going to my family doctor getting shots, and then going to the ER getting shots three days later from inception of this monster migraine attack – I have my husband truck me right back up to the hospital like I’m John Q and was not leaving until they make this migraine break, because I couldn't take it any longer.  This may sound funny – but if you were there and seen me in my capri spandex, oversize nursing shirt, hair in two pig tails with a bandanna, a long hoodie (you know how they crank up the air so you don’t want to stay – but I was prepared for them) and my bright red crocks, everything of a different color, while wearing my sunglasses (the bright light hurts the eyes with migraines),

then you would be laughing for real and you would think I was either there to set-it-off, or act a hot mess…well, a little bit of both was on my mind.  After a detailed conversation of what I was going through and what I NEED from them, I received a totally different concoction of narcotic injections in my IV which finally gave me some relief.  Then of course, they’re ready to kick me out, I kindly said…no, I need another dose, because I don’t feel that much relief!  Another dose I got, and five hours later I was walking out of there on my own and not looking like the hunch back old lady always crossing the street in the cartoons.  My mission – to finish my mid-term that was due midnight that day.
          My Supermom radar clocked me at only 85% efficiency, but that term paper was completed, checked and posted by 11:15 pm.  Whoohoo!

Look for my top five SUGGESTED ways to get rid of a migraine!  The things people will tell you to do, smh!

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